Hemming Jeans with Bias Trim
I’m excited to share a simple sewing technique for creatively hemming your jeans. I am 5′ 2″. So, you can probably imagine the frustration that comes when I find a great pair of jeans that are often too long for me. Even as an experienced sewist, I really don’t like to do alterations, especially for…
How to organize dress up clothes!
My daughter loves to dress up and make stories to go along with her wardrobe. I’ve made her some dress up clothes in the past, made Halloween costumes, purchased Halloween costumes on clearance, and shopped consignment and yard sales when she found something she just had to have. When we redecorated her room for her…
6 Reasons I Heart Sewing Doll Clothes
I can sew most doll clothes with a fat quarter size fabric sample. (Fat Quarter = 18″ by 22″ piece of fabric.) I can learn new sewing skills without worrying about wasting much fabric if I totally mess up my outfit. I only have to make one size and don’t have to figure out which…
Patching Jeans with Applique
Applique is a creative way to patch jeans and making them look more natural instead of altered. You can also use this technique to just decorate your jeans because they will look sooo cute! Here we go…Look at your jeans and determine the problems. These jeans have a couple problems. My daughter found a permanent…
Great Art Case!
I just made this great Art Case in less than 2 hours! I started after lunch and finished by the time my daughter came home from school. She loved it. I had to beg for enough time to take this picture. Now, she is busy filling and using this great case. There’s an extra bonus…
Making Doll Clothes – #3 Easy Dolly Bib
We are going to use the concept of the “sandwich” from Making Doll Clothes #2 to make a bib to match or our dolly burp cloth. Step 1 – Measure the width of your doll’s chest between the shoulders like this. Step 2 – Find an appealing shape template that is close to the size…
Making Doll Clothes – #2 Easy Dolly Burp Cloth
This tutorial is for a reversible burp cloth that your child can use to feed and burp her baby. I like to make mine out of flannel fabric because it is soft and also clings to your child’s clothing easily so it won’t fall when they are getting their baby ready. I have used two…
Making Doll Clothes – #1 Easy Skirt
The first making your own doll clothes sewing pattern is for a doll skirt. This is a simple, full skirt that anyone can learn to sew. This tutorial uses the straight stitch function of your sewing machine. Making the pattern. Step 1 – Find the doll you have that needs a nice skirt. Pick a…
Making Doll Clothes – Recommended Supplies
The list of sewing supplies to make simple doll clothes for your doll’s wardrobe is very basic. The items listed below are necessary for all of the projects we post. If any additional supplies are needed for new projects/sewing techniques they will be listed at the top of each project. Sewing machine I find a…